External Events

Public health care and nudges: How Behavioral Economics can help the vaccination problem

As we are approaching the second anniversary of the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, one can take a moment to reflect on the development of the health emergency. Loss, lockdowns, curfews, overloaded health care systems, and the anticipation of vaccinations. When the vaccinations finally hit the markets, many were eager to finally get their shot […]

External Events

Cognitive biases and fake news: the connection between behavioral economics and misinformation

Thanks to social media and technology, the impact of fake news and misinformation has become increasingly relevant in modern societies. In particular, in the political field, we have experienced how fake news can influence election outcomes and enable polarization. In the final event of the academic year, we delved into the psychological factors that underpin the spread of misinformation, the effect of memory on our decisions […]

External Events Politics and Public Policy

The untold side of voting behaviour

How is voting behaviour influenced by cognitive biases? In which ways does social interaction affect the beliefs of individuals? And what are the psychological determinants of support for either a liberal or conservative ideology? The event held on April 7, 2021 answered these and more questions, offering us some insight on the behavioural and psychological underpinnings of political preferences of voters.   With Bocconi Professor Catherine De Vries as our moderator, we invited as our speakers Dan Braha, Full Professor at University of Massachusetts, and Yoel Inbar, Associate […]

Events External Events

Gender Bias: The Role of Unconscious Prejudice in Every day Society

Feminism is a set of social movements that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of all genders. We live in a world where being female or being male can lead you to have a completely different life, because of different resources available and power relationships. Even if it is […]

External Events

Behavioral finance: the latest frontier of agent expectations

You know that feeling when your dishwasher breaks but you chose to not pay 50 euros more for a 5 year guarantee because you did not expect it would break in the first place? Not the best I will admit, but the protagonist of this story is not the dishwasher nor how stingy we are, […]