Technology and Algorithms

Filter bubbles: a delicate interaction between algorithms and human bias

If you use any social media, you have probably noticed how different and unique your feed is from the one of your friends. The same is true for your Amazon recommendations, Netflix suggestions, Google News homepage, and so on. In the last years, almost every online company has adopted increasingly sophisticated algorithms that analyze users’ […]

Technology and Algorithms

AI is not the answer to biased hiring 

In recent years AI has become one of the most powerful tools in data analysis. It is being used in more and more areas of life, thanks to its ability to analyse massive amounts of data and recognise patterns in them that would be impossible to notice for humans. However, it is starting to show […]

Everyday Life

Music and the brain: a biased symphony

Music is a fundamental part of our every-day life. We either listen to it actively while walking, studying, relaxing, attending concerts and operas, or passively, being exposed to background music in bars, restaurants, waiting rooms and many other places. There exists a large amount of literature investigating music and its effects on our emotions and […]

Everyday Life

The secret attraction of cults 

The world “cult” comes from the Latin “cultus”, meaning “to till or cultivate”. In antiquity it was used to describe the sacrifices, offerings, and monuments built to cultivate favor with the gods, whereas in time, it came to mean any unorthodox religion.  It is a known fact how dangerous a cult could be: they may […]

Everyday Life Politics and Public Policy

Healthcare applications of predictive algorithms: A possible solution to physicians’ biases?  

Artificial Intelligence has long held the promise of improving predictions in healthcare solutions, a promise which is now becoming a reality in many settings, first and foremost the US, where in the past years many commercial algorithms have received FDA regulatory approval for broad clinical use. Indeed, the application of Machine Learning, a type of AI which allows software […]

Everyday Life

Biases in your career choice

From choosing your classes in high school, to doing an internship or choosing your degree and college and eventually choosing your job, the career choice process takes time and reflection. As with any decision-making process, we must acknowledge that there are several cognitive biases surrounding it. But is there really a personal decision more important […]

Everyday Life Politics and Public Policy

Defaults: the role of the status quo in healthcare solutions

Defaults are simple, affordable, and cost-efficient solutions which can be introduced in order to elicit the desired behaviour by individuals. They are one of the most intuitive mechanisms implemented in choice architecture, and their use can be applied to a range of different choice-making settings, as they simply leverage on the assumption that individuals are disproportionately more likely to stick to the option presented to them rather than actively switching to an alternative. The […]

Business World

Failing to fail: behavioral insights behind startup failure

How to succeed in a startup business? Well, there is no cookie-cutter approach that works universally. Every business has a set of unique characterizing elements and has to find its optimal organizational balance. Notwithstanding the uniqueness of the success factors, which sometimes can be summarized with “luck”, there is an often overlooked commonality behind startup business failures which can be analyzed through behavioral lenses.  A well-known statistic is that 9 out of […]

Our Work

Scaring the fish away: behavioral insights into talent recruitment

The job recruitment process is a game. Precisely, a signaling game with asymmetric information. Hoping for a perfect match, both the job seekers and the companies looking for new talent signal their attractiveness to each other. Neglecting the in between the lines signals that are conveyed in job advertisements can deter top candidates from applying and reduce the diversity of the company’s biggest asset – […]

Our Work

This can’t be happening to me

Think back to any movie you’ve seen involving a disaster, whether it was a tsunami or a plane crash. More than likely, the footage of the actual disaster was accompanied by hordes of people screaming and running for their lives. As with many Hollywood depictions of various events, however, the reality of things is quite […]